Monday, April 13, 2015

five ways to improve a relation

There are few things which will seem silly to you guys but they works really good in building a connection in a relationship. Sometimes it is really hard to maintain everything but these five things can uphold the insensitive times.


Sometimes wrong things happens or like you are not able to spend much time with your partner. Give her/him a surprise. It will make her smile no matter how he/she is angry with you. It can even change the environment. But that does not mean it will work every time. You must spend some quality time with your partner.


Communication is a key of a good relationship. Without communication nothing will go efficiently. I said it before spend some quality time with your partner. It will help you to grow  good relation. It will help you to understand her/him even she/he will understand you and it can gain more trust as well.

    3.Don't accuse him/her directly

Don't ever say,' it is your fault'. You should not accuse your partner directly. It will hurt her real badly. She/he will not be interested anymore to tell you anything. If you have any doubt or question you might ask her with soft tone. Try to make her/him understand what's bothering you or what you want to know.

   4.Never insist

Never insist for anything. Just ask for it. If she/he understands you well she/he will do whatever you want. But never insist. Sometimes it's okay but most of the time not.

   5.Don't bring their family in argument

Don't you ever try to drag or bring his/her family in a argument. It will ruin your relationship. Trust me. And even for being a human it's really bad to bring his/her family in a argument. It will ruin your image in her/ his eyes.

Friday, April 10, 2015

5 things of relationship

5 things of relationship

Relationship and I, don't match much. Don't ask me why. Relationship is really complicated if you think that as like that but actually not. It is really a beautiful thing. I would rather say it is not a thing but a beautiful feelings with commitment. Most of the people don’t know how to carry the relationship when they go through some harsh times. It is very natural but it is really easy to make up as well. Let me give you some tips from my personal experiences.
Always have fun. It makes a relation sweeter than chocolate

What a relation need ?


If you want to make your relationship stable you must know few things.
  Relation needs sacrifices,
    Relation needs compromises,
      Relation needs trust,
And you know all of these things but you don’t know  relation needs patience as well. The most important thing in a relationship is patience to me.
Whenever you feel that it’s too much now just have your patience. You will see everything will come to in order.

5 things which can break up your relation


  • ·         Anger
  • ·         Impatience
  • ·         Lack of trust
  • ·         Lack of confidence
  • ·         Lack of understanding
These are the main things which can ruin relationships. So you must follow a few tips.

5 ways to improve your relation


  • ·         Control your anger
Now you  are thinking how to control your anger. Whenever you get mad just think this is the person you wanted to live your whole life with. You don’t wanted to hurt her/him no matter what once a time. So why now you r being mad? Is this because this is enough or does this mean you are not loving her/him enough? If you really love him/her you must think first this is the person you always loved and you can do anything for her/him whatever happens.

  • ·         Have your patience
Patience is a good virtue. You must have your patience because if you don’t you should have not got in to the commitment at the first time. Patience can fill the wound in a time.
  •  Try to be obedient and understand
No one will ever make you hurt like your partner. That’s the truth. But you should also know that you never gave that rite to anyone else. She/he is the one who will ask you lot of questions, make you do lot of things without any reason but you have to understand that she/he does that for a reason. You have to be faithful and obedient.
  • ·         Have faith
You must respect your partner and his likings. if you do that you will gain trust and have faith on him/her.You must have faith to keep your relation smoothly. Without trust no relation can see the end of the line. So you must have the faith.
  • ·         Confidence and care
Be confident that you can make her/his happy. So that you can take care of her/his in every steps of life. Always take care of everything she/he likes so that he/she will notice that how much you love your partner and whenever you will express your feelings confidently she/he will understand you deeply.

You should know that your partner loves you a lot and that is why he/she has chosen you. 

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